Today’s Quiz: % of Minorities in the US?

Question 1:  What percentage of the US population is African-American?




Answer:  13% (Approximately)



Question 2:  What percentage is Hispanic or Latino?




Answer:  18% (Approximately)



Bonus Question:  What percentage of the US population knows the answers to both questions, or can even come close with a guess?




Answer:  10% (Approximately)


Given all the discussion about race in this country, this last answer is a shocking number. Only one out of 10 can come close to accurately guessing the correct answer. If we don’t know this basic information, how are we going to have some of the intelligent conversation about race in this country.

Numbers from 2010 US census.
(Please don’t quibble with me on the year, or variations in the numbers. The point is much bigger than that.)


