Today’s Quiz: Student Loan Default Rates

True or False?  Student loan amounts of under $10,000 are more likely to be paid off than those over $10,000.




Answer:  False. Although it would seem that the lower amount would be easier to pay off, there are other factors involved.

Here’s the link to the complete Washington Post article on student debt. The section titled Myth #2 contains the information used in this quiz.




Quote of the Day: Reapplying for College Financial Aid

I didn’t know you have to reapply for financial aid every year.


– This from a mother whose son received about $20,000 of financial aid last year as a college freshman and had a very good academic and athletic experience. Now, this high school principal with a master’s degree is scrambling to convince the school to give her son the same financial aid for the upcoming year. This is a smart woman. Don’t think this type of thing can’t happen to you.




Top 9 Mistakes

The Top 9 mistakes made by parents:

  1. Coaching your child during a game
    1. You can disagree all you want. This is an absolute no-no.
  2. Thinking that because you believe your child outplayed an athlete who already has scholarship offers, your child must be a scholarship level player.
    1. You don’t know what you’re looking at, or what your doing
  3. Allowing your child to specialize in one sport at too early an age
  4. Spending thousands of dollars on unofficial visits, but failing to use all 5 official visits
  5. Spending money on recruiting services
  6. Failure to investigate and/or take advantage of prep school options
  7. Failure to prioritize education in decision making process
  8. Not taking SAT and ACT, or waiting too long to take them
  9. “Great” youth coaches who think that experience qualifies them to second guess high school coaches. This is a classic, ego driven, mistake.

