Quote of the Day: Money Over Fit

Too many golfers, especially girls, are choosing full rides over schools that offer partial scholarships but are a better fit. It’s a big part of why we’re seeing so many transfers recently. 


This came out in a recent conversation I had with a Big XII women’s golf coach talking about how families are deciding which college to choose. It’s indicative of two things. One, the financial pressure families are feeling to pay for college. Two, most families don’t know how to make a good college choice. 




Quote of the Day: Reapplying for College Financial Aid

I didn’t know you have to reapply for financial aid every year.


– This from a mother whose son received about $20,000 of financial aid last year as a college freshman and had a very good academic and athletic experience. Now, this high school principal with a master’s degree is scrambling to convince the school to give her son the same financial aid for the upcoming year. This is a smart woman. Don’t think this type of thing can’t happen to you.


