What ages should attend your workshops?

  • Parents of kids in grades 6-13 will benefit the most. Parents of younger athletes will leave with a better game plan and perspective. Parents of older athletes will also get the recruiting and college information they need at the critical time in their process.

Our child’s only in the 6th grade. Why should we invest in one of your workshops?

  • You’re just starting the process, so you’ll spend more time and money over the next six years than parents of older athletes. Consequently, you stand to benefit the most by having the right plan now. You’ll have more success than those who didn’t attend theses seminars until their kids were older. You’ll also save more time and money. It’s the parents of older kids who wish they’d attended sooner, not the parents of younger ones who wish they’d waited.

Are the workshops for a specific sport?

  • No. The bulk of the information and knowledge shared at the workshops applies to all sports. However, we intentionally limit the number of attendees at each seminar to ensure there will be plenty of time spent discussing the specific sports that are important to those in attendance.

Are the seminars only for scholarship level athletes?

  • No. Parents of athletes of all talent levels will get what they need out of the workshops. Even those whose kids don’t expect to play in college will learn ways to increase success in club and high school sports while saving time and money.

We’ve already got scholarship offers. Why would we need to attend your workshop?

  • Having reached what most consider the goal doesn’t mean that’s the end of the process. Ask yourself what happens next. There’s still a lot you don’t know about how to manage the recruiting process, pick the right school, and give yourself the best chance to get the most out of the next four years.

Is this a recruiting service?

  • No, although we do help greatly with recruiting. We offer the perspective needed to answer questions like “should I use a recruiting service?”.

Is this a workshop on NCAA rules?

  • No. Although that will be covered, it’s just a small part of our seminars

In which cities are your upcoming workshops being held?

  • Go to the Future Seminars page on this site to see a list of upcoming workshops

How do I get a workshop in my area?

  • We’d love to talk about doing a seminar in your area. Please contact us using the contact info on the Contact Us page of this site.

How do I register for one of the upcoming workshops?

  • Go to the Registration page on this site and follow the directions there


